Monday, July 22, 2013

#5 Monogram Wreath

This was one of my very first pins. I saw it and immediately fell in love, I saw endless gifts for others in my future. So I clicked on the pin and expected it to bring me to the directions. Etsy was where it brought me, and I could purchase the finished product for $38 plus tax, shipping and handling. I'm sorry, but no!

Off to the local craft store I go, and lo and behold, the whole project cost less than 10 bucks!

Jute $2.99 - $3.49
Letter $3.99 (a few months later I picked up a ton on clearance for $1.49!)
Ribbon $1.99
Flower $0.99
Hot glue gun & glue sticks (I had)

Wrapping the Jute around the letters takes the most time as it makes up the entire project. But put in a movie and load yourself up with glue sticks, and it flies on by. Then add a bow and flower and ribbon to hang and your finished. My favorite letters to do or T & L, super simple. K, S, M & A have been thorns in my side. There are other letters that I have purposely avoided doing because I know that they are going to take forever. But everyone I have given them to has loved them and I love going to peoples houses and seeing them hung up.

This one was a birthday gift for my lovely friend Jen:

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